Week6 – Almost done

Hello Everyone,

What a story, a 4.5 million population country, Croatia, is one step from being the World Champions. France is a very young, talented, and organized team. Croatia is brave, strong, and stable. Any outcome of this final match will be a good outcome.


I made more models of the tombstones in Blender in order to match different types of tombstones of Lincoln Cemetery. I found out that there so many types of tombstones and these pieces of rock are not cheap.


I started adding tombstones to my scene in Unity. I divided the cemetery into rows, so it would be easier for me to place the tombstones. Also, thanks to my drone photogrammetry of the cemetery I did last week, it showed the 3d (more exact) position and shape of each tombstone.

Lincoln Cemetery in Unity: 3D model (left) vs drone photogrammetry (right)



I still added the tombstones. I have to place them very precisely, so that later there will be space for other tombstones.

P.S. My tennis idol lost on Wednesday, I was so sad that almost lost the motivation to work.


I finished adding the tombstones with trees and bushes.


I worked on interactivity in Unity. I added teleportation, portal teleportation, and my photogrammetry model along with 3D model. Although, the computer I am working on is strong, it could not handle with tombstones, which consisted of million of polygons. Therefore, I have to work on improving the tombstone shapes by decreasing the number of polygons, so that the computer can handle with rendering the tombstones.

Also I made some 360 videos of the cemetery, allowing the user to experience more real.


Have a good weekend,