Week7- Immersive Technology

Hello Everyone,

This week, I attended the Immersive Technology Conference at Hamilton College to learn and share knowledge about immersive technology which included 3D modelling, Virtual Reality, 360 videos, 3D scanning, and photogrammetry. Read more about it: here.

I learned many projects from different students from both Hamilton College and Colgate University. All of these projects were impressive, and I found out that I have still a lot to learn, e.g. the 3D model can be very detailed and can take a lot of time, VR experience can be even more interactive, which together can make the experience even more immersive 😉

My main goal this week was to reconstruct the Spanish theater, EL CORRAL DEL PRÍNCIPE, which existed between 16th an 18th century. Under commands of Chris Oechler (Profe O.), I and Orrin were trying to build 3D model of this theater in Blender and implement it in Unity in order to make the VR experience of the historical theater.

Theater consisted of that stage, two side walls, and the back. Orrin is more efficient in Blender than I am,  so he took the stage and two side walls, and I took the back of the theater. Because the theater consisted of 4 floors, I divided my work into layers (each layer- each floor), so that I could build at least 1 floor each day (4 floors- 4 layers- 4 days).

On the last day, I and Orrin tried to merge two projects together and there was a problem with the roof, because it covered all of the 4 floor, making impossible to see the stage from the 4th floor, so we had rearrange the roof again. At the end, we could finally fix it and we could put the 3D model to Unity and experience it in VR. Right now, the theater is just a grey 3D model, without colors. The next step will be adding the material and texture to the 3D model to make it look more realistic.

Thank you R.C., Profe O., and Eric for the trip and hanging out with us 😀 It was a very unforgettable experience for me. I really enjoyed working and spending time with you guys! Thank you Lord Greg from DHi Hamilton College for hosting us and teaching us important functions in Blender and Unity.

Thank you Profe O. for allowing me to work in your project. Hope that I was not that bad in cooperating.

Thanks Orrin for working with me and helping me. Happy Birthday!!!

Thanks Alyssa for proudly representing our school!


Have a good weekend,


P.S. I still think our school should have some squash court.

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