Welcome to almost the end of the project! This has been a bitter-sweet journey with some failures and some successes but I am proud to say that I definitely have learned a lot. Especially, patience.
I spent this entire week working on making my drone follow the commands encoded in a QR code. To do so, I started coding to write a program that could create a QR code out of the text. I had tons of installation issues and errors in the terminal. Then, I looked through the internet, and after following about 100 StackOverflow posts, I was finally able to solve it by installing the Visual C++ Redistributable package. Then, Josh helped me create some QR code stickers using a vinyl cutter. After this, I moved on to create a program to decode the QR code. Then, it took me a while to figure out how to get a video stream from the drone as I was using EasyTello as my API instead of the official one. So, there wasn’t a lot of documentation out there that I could follow. I tried copying functions from the official API but it didn’t work. Then, I tried different ways of getting a video stream and finally figured out how to do it. Even after this, there was a lag in the video and it wasn’t very clear. So, I first decided to try and pass the QR encoding function and see how it goes. The program collapsed and did not respond well to the other threads that were running.
Debugging the code to make the QR code scanning work took a lot of time so I decided to let go of this for a while and start focusing on preparing for the presentation. I took a lot of videos and edited them. We also had some practice sessions to improve our presentation.