Fourth Week- Application of Tinkercad and Cura software for 3D print.

Tinkercad is a user-friendly app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. I also used an Ultimaker Cura to slice my design from Tinkercad. I got acquainted with these softwares and used them for my designs to be able to contain both the LED(RED and IR) and the light sensor.

The above designs were done on Tinkercad
A view of Ultimaker Cura for slicing before its transferred to the 3D printer.

These designs are designed to hold my light sensor and LED lights. I faced a lot of failure from the product of my print. I had to consider how much the curve would be for the finger to rest on. I also had to ensure there was no movement from the sensor, LED’s and inserted finger to ensure an accurate result. Also we don’t want the pulse oximeter to be too bogus we want simplicity but also very effective. I came up with several designs but failed in some way. It was either the holes for the LED’s and sensor were too small or too big. In some cases where the finger was meant to rest wasn’t curved well enough. It was also important that the LED was facing directly on the light sensor(the middle) which was also a discovery I made from the other prints produced. Below are pictures of the 3D prints I made that had one or more of the above explained errors.

Failed 3D prints samples of the LED and light sensor holder.

I have been working on trying to perfect my design before a final print. It gets frustrating but the hunger to get it right is more than the frustration and I know I will get it to work. Professor Eric Remy would say ” We are too focused sometimes on one particular goal we forget that there is more to do and achieve” So I plan on moving forward with my project like working on smoothing my data output and also trying to figure out the right design, maybe it doesn’t have to be what we commonly see in the market and that is two rectangles that hold the LED and light sensor. It would be nice to think outside the box and design something more conducive and suited to my environment. Hopefully by next week I hope to have something better than my above designs.

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