Hi everyone,
A LED is a light-emitting diode that emits light when current flows through it. The infrared red (IR) light is a type of radiant energy that can not be seen by the human eyes but can be seen by a sensor and we can feel as heat. It also is located right next to red light on the electromagnetic spectrum at 800nm to 1m. Red light is a type of radiant energy that can be seen by human eyes, seen by a sensor, and can feel as heat. It has a wavelength of 630nm-700nm.
This week I learned and understood how to turn on an LED and IR light using a breadboard, Arduino UNO board, jump wires, LED, IR, and a 220 ohms resistor. The picture below shows my connections. The LED is inserted into the breadboard. A jump wire connects the GND(ground) to the negative row of the LED(shorter leg) on the breadboard. A 220 ohms is connected on the same row as the positive row of the LED(longer leg). A different Jump wire connects the digital output 13 on the Arduino board and shares the same row as the other end of the resistor. When this is done a code is run on the Arduino to emit light.
The picture below shows my connections. The LED is inserted into the breadboard. A jump wire connects the GND(ground) to the negative row of the LED(shorter leg) on the breadboard. A 220 ohms is connected on the same row as the positive row of the LED(longer leg). A different Jump wire connects the 5V on the Arduino board and shares the same row as the other end of the resistor. When this is done light is emitted.
A photoresistor also known as a light dependent resistor is a components that decreases its resistance when there is high level of light. It is mostly used by devices to detect the presence of light. An IR receiver is a device used to receive an infrared signal and interprets the signal.
I used the photoresistor to read the light in the room and the red LED. I also observed the data output. I also noticed that the photoresistor could not read an IR light. Below is a picture of my connections. The photoresistor has three pins and is connected to the breadboard. From the left, is the signal(S) and a jump wire is connected from the S pin on the breadboard to the digital output 13 on the Arduino board and the middle pin on the breadboard is connected to the 5V on the Arduino board using a jump wire. To the far right, a jump wire connects the negative pin on the breadboard to the GND on the Arduino board. Now, these connections are in place in order to receive data you would need the photoresistor library on Arduino and run the code given.